Thursday, 12 June 2008

A nature fix around Ho (its actually a town in Ghana)

We headed back from Lome into southeastern Ghana and the beautiful countryside around the town of Ho. We started off in the Kalakpe Resource Reserve, which is described as being rich in birdlife, monkeys and antelopes. We were slightly disappointed that the monkeys and antelopes were away in New York for the weekend and the birdlife consisted of two chickens. Still we had a nice walk with our armed guide Godwin. North of Ho we checked out Mount Gemi and the beautiful Ote Falls.

Ghana is an incredibly religious country. Every aspect of life has a strong religious influence. Taxis usually have religious phrases on the back ("Trust in God" is a common one since the brakes rarely work).

1 comment:

James said...

A big 'Hello' to both of you. I met you at the Freedom Hotel in Ho while we were staying there. I really enjoy the blog and wish you all the best.