Wednesday 20 August 2008

Goodbye Congo, Hello creepy DRC

After much delay, we finally got into congo and thru the other side to DRC. Upon arrival of the Congo border from Gabon, we were told that we couldn't drive that day due to local elections. So we decided to camp there for the day. We took some seriouosly amusing photos of the kids that had way too much interest in our every movement. They didn't leave our side until we told them to leave if we promised them that they could watch a movie on our laptop at 5pm that evening. Sure enough they all showed up and proceeded to watch the Simpsons in a language they couldn't understand but were clutching their bellies in laughter all the while. It was magiacal to watch. One of the boys decided that I was his wife and (as you will see in the photo) proceeded to place his hand on me and proclaim me his rightful property.
Then we arrived in Brazzaville, where we stayed for quite a long time at the Hippocame Hotel, which is amazing for overlanders as their abundance of information is as plentiful as their abundance of hospitality (as well as their abundance of embassy personel who want to throw Jack Daniels down your throat....eckhhhhhhh).
So we pulled ourselves away from Brazzaville and got on the ferry to Kinshasa, DRC. THIS FERRY HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CREATE HAVOC IN THE MIND. ButI must say, if you tuck yourself into the wormhole in your brain titled "it's not your problem", you can hobble off without looking back. Otherwise, you're screwed.
DRC is creepy. That's all I have to say. Rob has been sick from the one night we spent there in a hotel that offered him up a plate of meat that looked as if it sat on the side of the road for six months and then someone bought it and then ran over it eighteen times in an eighteen wheeler. Yup, he hasn't left the bathroom since. Au revoir DRC...

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